SEO approaches to text content: Optimizing text for search engines and audience

Human or search engine? Which goal is more important when writing content? These are the questions that become relevant when it comes to SEO text optimization. In a world where the importance of attracting the audience’s attention and ranking high in search results are intertwined, the trade-off between these two factors plays a crucial role. In this post, we will explore the key aspects of SEO optimization of text content, paying attention to both the needs of the audience and the requirements of search engines. SEObanda experts will reveal the secrets of how to keep a balance between these two aspects

What is textual content for websites?

You may think that textual content for websites is only the information that is placed on the pages. However, companies’ struggle for user attention begins as early as the search results page. That’s why we divide information into two categories based on its location: in the search results and on the landing page.

Content in search resultsa or snippets is information that is displayed on the search results page under the title and link to the resource. This text is designed to give users a quick overview of what they will find on a website and determine if it meets their needs.

Snippets consist of a meta description, which is a brief description of the content of a web page that is provided in the tag of the page’s HTML code. You can expand the description to provide additional information, which may include ratings, reviews, prices, etc. To attract the attention of users, you can create a carousel of images, i.e. a horizontal collection of images that is located above the title and link.

Content on a landing page is information and elements that are placed on a specially created page in order to attract users and encourage them to perform a specific action, such as buying a product, subscribing to a newsletter, filling out a feedback form, etc.

The first piece of content on a landing page is an attractive and unique headline that grabs the user’s attention and explains what they can expect on the page. This is followed by a brief description of what is offered on the page, accompanied by a clear and confident call to action, such as “Buy Now”, “Subscribe”, “Register”, etc. To make users trust your website more, you should add customer reviews, ratings, awards, or recommendations that confirm the credibility and reliability of the offer.

Optimizing text for users

SEO specialists of the past decades have forced Google to improve its text evaluation algorithm, so nowadays keyword stuffing of web pages is not relevant and is punished by search engines. The quality and relevance of information are the key to creating textual content for websites.

Optimizing text for users is an approach to creating text when the main goal is to meet the needs and expectations of the audience, not just to meet the requirements of search engines.

The text describing your services should be user-friendly, i.e., written in plain language, with all difficult-to-understand terms explained and organically integrated into the text itself.

The content on your website should be interesting and leave a sense of value for your users. To do this, analyze the interests and problems of your target audience to answer their queries and meet their needs. Add unique text, relevant information, and useful tips.

To evaluate the readability of text content on your web page, you can, first, use paragraphs, lists, and other formatting elements, and divide the information into easily digestible parts. And secondly, look at your text through the eyes of readers who will not know the subtleties and nuances of the topic. This will help improve the logic of the content structure.

Another method of improving the user experience is to encourage the audience to interact with the content, for example, you can leave comments, share materials on social networks, and other forms of feedback.

SEO optimization of text content

Still, you shouldn’t forget about search engines, which rank web pages to assess the relevance of content. In order to increase the ranking of a website in the search results, SEO optimization of textual content is carried out. The main goal of this process is to make the content attractive and understandable for Google, Bing, etc.

Above, we talked about the reckless use of all possible keys in the text. However, the task of SEO specialists is to conduct an in-depth analysis of competitors and create a semantic core that best suits your content and audience needs. Another important component of writing a unique, interesting, and useful text is the integration of keywords in such a way that they look natural and do not violate the clarity and logic of the text for users.

Another important factor in search engine rankings is how well the content on your web page is structured. You need to use headings (H1, H2, H3), subheadings, and bulleted lists with links to other pages of your website with keywords in the text to create a certain logic of the site and increase its visibility in search engines.


As a result of this study, we have seen that optimizing text content for search engines and the audience is a complex but extremely important process. A balanced combination of SEO requirements and the needs of readers allows you to achieve maximum effect in online marketing. No matter whether we aim to drive more traffic to the site or provide a better user experience, properly optimized text is the key to success.